Thursday, April 19, 2007

They even have Cheerleaders in China!!!

Recently, there was an 8K race that took place in Jinqiao (pronounced Jing Chow) and very near my apartment. It was very early in the morning about 6:30 AM last Sunday when I heard loudspeakers and music playing. Come to find out it was the start and finish line for the "6th Annual Jinqiao 8K Race." It seems that running is very big here and there are running clubs. The gentleman in this picture, on roller blades would skate up and down the road and beat the drum for those members that are in his running club as they approached the finish line. And, as you can see, there are many nationalities represented by the flags on his helmet!!! It was a trick timing the picture as he roller bladed by me!!!! Yeah!!!! I got it!!! Do any of you think I have a future in photography? All for now. Take care everyone......I have more stories especially about a taxi ride in Shanghai and the importance of language!!!


Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures and stories Babe. I know you are having a grand adventure over there! It's blue sky morning in Michigan. I think spring is finally here!

Anonymous said...

Love your photographs and commentary. Maybe you should do travelogues for public television. You're photographs are wonderful and you give us a feel for China. Thanks so much.

We are having dinner with Pam and Andrea at Knight's tonight.
Love, Marilyn

Anonymous said...

What place did you finish in the race?