Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Thankfully there is a lot of tea to go with this traffic jam!

Hello everyone!!!! You may remember that in my last entry, I referenced how busy the Huang Pu river is here in Shanghai. As you can see by this picture, there is a lot of traffic heading inland. If traffic were coming toward us in this photo, then traffic would be going out to the sea. You can tell by the volume of traffic going one way, what it would/could be like going both ways!!!! I have seen it going both ways and it gets real excitin' . And the traffic never stops, it runs 24/7 and might slow down just a bit for holidays but jams back up as the ship operators try to catch up on their work. Another interesting fact is that not all the boats/ships run lights at night. You can imagine what that must be like!!!! You will notice, the ferry (with people) trying to cross. This gets a little dicey every now and then and periodically you will here the loud blow of a ship's horn, giving a warning to get the heck outta the way!!!! Trust me, I have seen some near misses since I have been here!!! Shipping is the main low cost transportation in China and will remain so until China builds an expected 58,000 miles of highway in the next 5 years or so. Just a small fact, is that 58,000 miles is the equivalent of what the US has built in the Interstate Higway System since the 1950's. When China takes on a project, they mean it!!!


AKA said...

I remember a Coast Guard class that I took years ago, and the general rule to remember for returning inland is "Red Right Return". 'Red" refers to the buoys, "Right" is the correct side (as opposed to left), and "Return" just indicates the direction. Pam J. used to get a giggle over that, and needed some convincing. But, as your picture depicts, all traffic headed inland is on the the right-hand side of the waterway. This must be an international code? Shipping at night WOULD definately be would you know if the cargo boat in front of you was moving away from you or coming toward you (I had that experience once on the St. Clair River......not fun).

Now I've told you more than I know. I'm out of the office until next Tuesday, but I'll be checking up on your postings throughout the weekend from home.

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed reading your factoids about China. Keep it up!

BDUB said...

Whoa, looks like I-94 during rush hour out there. Without brakes!!
Well, the Pistons are up 2-0 on the Cavs and are headed to Cleveland tomorrow. The Wings are out. BOS The Schutte/Munsell team are in first place with the Johnson/Williams team hot on their heels.
It's raining this morning, good time to do "home paperwork". The Tigers are 1 behind the Indians for first place. Joel Zumaya is (finger) on the disabled list. Kenny Rogers is still healing and RHP Fernando Rodney is expected to miss the entire weekend series with Cleveland due to tightness in his shoulder.
Well, we sent Double D on his way to Dallas in fine fashion at the Redwood. He got many Valuable Gifts just as you did. One of them was an outside thermometer that starts at 100 degrees. Another one was a jar and a bag of beans. I'll explain later.
The Burton Fire Department just went by. Had to throw in some local news. Well, there goes two more trucks. Must be a big fire.
Ok, I better get to my paperwork. Until the next time.