Tuesday, June 12, 2007

"A three hour tour . . . A three hour tour"

So, it's a Saturday again in Shanghai and what am I gonna do today besides laundry? I pull out my map of Shanghai and decide that I am going to go to the Shanghai Aquarium. It's about noon and I flag a cab outside the Diamond Court Service Apartments, where I am staying, and show him the map which has Chinese symbols. He nods his head "yes' and says "hoda, hoda" which means "okay,okay" and off we go. Being adventurous I decide to have a conversation with the cab driver and it goes something like this:

Me: Ni hao?
Him: Wo heng hao, ni na?
Me: Wo heng hao!!!
Me: Jintian tenshi shoo foo!!!
Him: shu te, shu te
Me: Beijing tenshi heng,heng,heng rur!!!! 37C
Him: San sh chee?
Me: Shu te, shu te!!!

Translation is at the end of this entry!!!!

I think he was greatly surprised that I knew Mandarin. We arrived at the Aquarium, I bought my pass and began to take a tour. As a matter of fact, it was a "three hour tour" Hmmmmmmmmmmmm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,At this Aquarium, the Shanghai Aquarists, have been working with several species and have developed ways to breed and grow jelly fish, sea horses and others. You will see in this picture an example of one of the jelly fishes that have been raised by the Shanghai Aquarium. They have Yangtze river habitat as well as Oceanic habitat. There was also a display of dangerous/poisonous fish which included the Puffer fish, Poisonous Pink Crab and the Cowfish. Many of these contain a neurotoxin which either makes it inedible or require very special preparation to make them nonpoisonous. There have been many deaths as a result of bad preparation as cooking at high temperature will not reduce the effects of the neurotoxin. My tour ended with a trip through a 155 M tube that had many different sea and ocean scapes with all kinds of sea life in it. It was a good visit to say the least.

Me: How are you?
Him: I am very good, and you?
Me: I am very good!!!!
Me: Today, the weather is comfortable.
Him: Yes, yes
Me: Beijing weather is very very very hot!!!! 37C (106F)
Him: Thirty Seven?
Me: Yes, yes!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I liked the picture you took of the jellyfish. If I ever make it Shanghai I will have to add it to the list of places I should visit.

Anonymous said...


I love you!!!

BDUB said...

Hey John, Wow, Can't believe your coming home next month. Good deal. You sure have filled your time over there well. I always enjoy your blog entries. Well, your sub on the league is filling for you very well. You guys took over first place last week. JJ and I are 1/2 point behind you.
The Tigers are still in second place. The bullpen is really struggling making winning games very difficult. It is a gorgeous day here today, but we could really use some rain. I'm buying a new golf bag today. I picking up a Bag Boy NXO REVOLVER cart bag. Very nice bag. I'll have to try it out later this afternoon on the course.

Well, better go for now,