Tuesday, July 3, 2007

So, I am now HOME!!!!!

Well Folks, my journey to Shanghai is now over.....and what an experience it was!!!!! If any of you ever get the chance to go on an assignment like this, you should take advantage!!! To say that I am a changed person, I think, is an understatement. My eyes have been opened and I now see the World from a different perspective. The Chinese love us!!! In case you were not aware, they refer to America as "May-guo" and this means "Beautiful Country"!!! If you want to watch a very interesting video of the Maglev Train that runs from the Pudong Airport (jee-charng) to the downtown Pudong area go to this sight http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=y-54gBLwK3s . A Happy 4th. of July May-guo!!!

All my best to you that have enjoyed my travels through this website!!!!!
